

Give the skills to capture a lifetime of great moments.

How does it work?

  • Download immediately
  • Add your order number, before giving to the recipient
  • Ask the recipient to email or phone to book in their session
  • Vouchers valid for 3 years

This gift card is going to get you off auto mode!
3hr Know Your Camera Session $150

By the end of this session you’ll know the most important buttons and functions on your camera to capture sharp, bright images every time.

Master your camera with this gift card!
2 Sessions: Know Your Camera Course $215
By the end of these two sessions you’ll be taking control of your camera and capturing magical moments.

One on One session with a professional photographer!
2 hr Private Session $250
You’ve been given a two hour private session to take your photography to the next level. Master your camera, improve your landscapes or whatever you like to photograph. All your questions answered and all you want to know, at your pace. Let’s explore, create and inspire.

One on One sessions with a professional photographer!
2 x 2 hour Private Sessions $480
You’ve been given two sessions to take your photography to the next level. Learn at your own pace. Master your camera, improve your landscapes or whatever you like to photograph. All your questions answered and all you want to know to capture magical moments.

Click the blue links to visit the individual courses page for more information about each of these lessons.

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Gift Voucher

Give the skills to capture a lifetime of great moments.

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